Online sportsbook,, has announced today the extension of their partnership with online tournament platform, EPULZE, resulting in the fourth installment of the Rampage Series.
X-Bet’s Rampage Series launched in June of last year, servicing up-and-coming Dota 2 teams from European and CIS regions through a 16-team tournament for cash prizes. Following the success of the previous installments, the Rampage Series #4 will take a turn towards elevating the competitive Dota population in Southeast Asia with 12 invited teams and 4 qualifying through the SEA region.
Despite X-Bet having some sound experience when it comes to sponsoring professional esports teams such as SFT-ESPORTS, Nova Esports and Iberia Esports, spokesman, Russ Stevens, admits the Rampage Series #4 is an introductory step into the SEA division.
Quite fittingly, X-Bet has prepared an exclusive 100% bonus specifically for the Rampage Series #4 good for up to €100; you can redeem the bonus by entering ‘RAMPAGE‘ into the special bonus-field on their site.
Esports Insider says: The Rampage Series has panned out well as an organically grown tournament series that uplifts new, talented esports teams for a chance at earning money and progressing their careers. The continuation of this series is a solid move for as they further establish themselves in the esports betting space.