It’s celebration time at AMD, and not just because it’s set to launch both the next-gen Ryzen 3000 processors and Navi graphics cards in just a few short months. AMD is turning 50 this year, and to celebrate the chip manufacturer is reportedly preparing a 50th Anniversary Edition of the Ryzen 7 2700X.

The prospective new chip has been listed on ShopBLT with a new part number and did initially appear with a new, higher, price tag too. That would possibly indicate a change in the specifications for the Anniversary Edition, but the listing on the retail site has been altered since it was first launched, with a note now stating the listing “will be removed from our site shortly.”

For the time being, however, it is still in place even if the price is gone and there is now no facility to pre-order. The very existence of the listing ahead of the May 1 anniversary of AMD’s founding makes it very likely this is actually ‘a thing’ and not just a random upload by a playful intern.