It was, quite frankly, inevitable. With an Apex Legends player count numbering in the tens of millions, it wasn’t going to take long before someone, somewhere, got smutty. As such, it is my unique burden this morning to write about the Apex Legends porn parody. If it weren’t already clear, this article might be a little NSFW, although the trailer itself is technically SFW.

Frankly, the whole thing is mad from start to finish, not just in terms of what’s on offer, but in the frankly sarcastic way the trailer talks about its source material. “Ass Sex Legends,” as the film is so wittily named is described as a parody of “a totally unique and original game that is not almost exactly the same as Fortnite and PUBG, or a myriad of other games that is is the same as.”

If all that seems a lot to deal with, then you’re probably not ready for what’s in the rest of the trailer. The squad featuring in the parody is made up of Wraith, Mirage, and Pathfinder, and while all of them have been repurposed for this particular video, our wholesome robot pal has been hit hardest, having had his eye replaced with a sex toy, and his name changed to Penisfinder.