Star Citizen‘s annual CitizenCon was held yesterday in Manchester and it featured a host of new looks at Cloud Imperium’s long-anticipated starship sim. Attendees got to watch a new, multi-stage mission unfold on stage, set on the new planet of microTech.

Cloud Imperium founder Chris Roberts narrated along with fellow Star Citizen developers as they showed off live gameplay from microTech. The demo, which you can view below, begins with a flyover of the icy world of microTech, on a long approach to New Babbage, an upcoming landing zone on the planet. It’s a massive city with glittering corporate skyscrapers, and the planet itself shows off some of Star Citizen’s new systems, such as dynamic weather and procedurally-placed vegetation. The tall pine trees shudder in the winds of surface-level snowstorms, and characters react to the cold, exhaling visible vapor and shivering.

The mission itself tasked the player with stealing a proprietary algorithm from a corporate server vault. After retrieving a fake ID from a contact in New Babbage, we hop a shuttle ride to a small facility set up in the mountains. From the landing pad there, we’re taken indoors and take a shuttle down to the data storage area.