Technical details about Sony’s next-gen PS5 console have been dribbling out for a while. But, while most have centred around the AMD Ryzen-powered APU, and Navi GPU at its heart, a new briefing with Sony’s Mark Cerny has delivered some potentially surprising info about the storage being built into the Playstation 5. He’s claiming that it’s not just any SSD, but an SSD with higher potential bandwidth than anything the huumble PC can currently manage.
We already know that the PS5 is going to ship with AMD as the silicon brains of the operation, potentially with a Zen 2 CPU component and 7nm AMD Navi graphics part. Indeed the reported Gonzalo APU has been leaked via select product codes and the technological details that they infer.
The custom Navi GPU Sony is using is also confirmed to be powering the ray tracing performance of the new PlayStation console, and not just for the visuals either. Cerny also suggests that audio ray tracing can be used for detailed, positional sound in games too.