The art of PC building is something entirely lost on me, to the point that even though my home computer is crying out for more RAM and a new graphics card, I’m terrified to touch the interior in case I mess it up. For YouTuber Micah Laplante, however, that’s clearly not a concern, as he’s managed to build a working PC out of pasta.

You can check out Laplante’s efforts in the video below (via PCGamer). Sadly, making actual components out the carby wonder is obviously impossible – for this particular project, those had to be donated from an old Asus notebook. Having disassembled that machine, he placed the parts on a bed of uncooked lasagne sheets attached to one another with hot glue.

Another layer of lasagne, a few licks of paint, and a lot of glue later, and the Lasagne PC was complete. Sadly, there’s no ground beef or tomato sauce attached to this particular recipe, but I hear those tend to play havoc with your GPU.