I’m not exactly sure what’s happening to society, but apparently our next hope for decentralised currency was thought up by an anonymous spectre calling themselves ‘Tom Elvis Jedusor” – or canonically ‘Je suis Voldemort’ to you squibs and muggles. Despite the lunacy of it all, this privacy-centric, lightweight crypto looks to have convinced Sapphire’s VP of marketing, Adrian Thompson, that GPU mining is making a comeback in a big way.
While the most well-known amalgamations of cryptocurrencies utilise a GPU’s brute compute power to get the job done, and mine precious rewards, Grin is a little different. While its Cuckatoo algorithm is still ASIC-friendly, that is, it will inevitable be scalable to large mining-machine farms, the Cuckaroo algorithm favours CPU and GPU mining. Seriously, you’re killing me here, miners. Cuckaroo?!