February 14, 2019 Ubisoft has lifted the veil on Mozzie and Gridlock ahead of this weekend’s big Rainbow Six Siege reveal.
Ubisoft has put up a new teaser revealing the names and gadgets for Rainbow Six Siege’s new Australian operators. If you’ve been following the leaks, you won’t be surprised to learn that they’re named Mozzie and Gridlock – though you may be surprised which is which – but the reveal has provided plenty more detail on what to expect.
Tori ‘Gridlock’ Tallyo Fairous is a farm girl who got built up leadership skill running her family’s ranch – but a distaste for paperwork has kept her turning down officer’s promotions in the SASR. Max ‘Mozzie’ Goose, as the previous teasers have suggested, is a non-stop talker with a penchant for ridiculous stunts.
In game terms, Gridlock is our attacker, equipped with Trax Stingers “designed to stop pursuing vehicles in their tracks” – based on the implications and earlier leaks on the new Australian operators, it’ll be a sort of web trap. Meanwhile, Mozzie has a Pest, which will “make the enemy think twice about their intel gathering strategies.” The leaks here suggest this’ll be a way of capturing enemy drones.