Friendly fire abuse and teamkilling can be a real problem in Rainbow Six Siege, which why it’s a good thing that Ubisoft has been looking into a fix for the problem. The studio’s solution is a ‘Reverse Friendly Fire’ mechanic, which allows team-killed players to choose to either forgive their attacker – or let them suffer the consequences.

The consequences, in this case, would be a punishment for any damage done – intentionally or not – to their teammates or any hostages. This slap on the wrist will take the form of reflected damage, where any and all friendly damage attempted will be bounced back to the offending player. This includes attacks on hostages, or even using operator gadgets.

This overhaul of the teamkilling punishment system was revealed a month ago, but now it’s finally gone up on the Siege test server. The Siege team says it will collect data from both ranked and casual playlists on the server, and then tweak the reverse friendly fire before it goes live. Make no mistake though, it will make it to the main Siege game in some form.