We finally know the full loadouts, gadgets, and a few quirks of the Rainbow Six Siege Burnt Horizon operators, Mozzie and Gridlock. The reveal comes courtesy of the Six Invitational 2019 and shows off the new Australian operation.

We’ll start with Mozzie, the motorbike helmet-wearing defender from down under. Mozzie’s gadget is the Pest Launcher, which is a crossbow that fires a drone-hacking Pest device onto surfaces. This Pest will leap onto the first drone that enters its proximity and hack it, giving Mozzie complete control of the drone and allowing defenders access to the camera feed. Mozzie carries three of these and they can even capture Twitch’s Shock Drones.

Now for loadout. Mozzie is a two-speed defender who can carry Nitro Cell or Barbed Wire as his secondary gadget. He can choose between the Commando 9 carbine and the P10 RONI machine pistol as his primary weapons. The Commando 9 carbine seems the better of the two and has a sumptuous reload animation. His secondary guns are a rather plain pistol and the much cooler Super Shorty shotgun.