March 18, 2019 Apex Legends’ newest character, Octane, is not in its battle pass.
Octane will instead unlock in the same way that Mirage and Caustic did, which is to say, via Legend Tokens or 750 Apex Coins (about $7.50). You won’t need to purchase the battle pass to use him. Jay Frechette, community manager at developer Respawn, confirmed the news on Twitter.
Apex Legends’ long-awaited battle pass will finally launch tomorrow. After weeks of speculation, Respawn took to Twitter earlier today to reveal that the pass, which they refer to as Wild Frontier, will be available from 10:00 PT (15:00 ET, 18:00 GMT).
The video in tweet, which you can check out further down this article, reveals very little. Hidden within it are cosmetics for Mirage, Pathfinder, and Wraith, and what appears to be a new energy weapon right at the end.