Microsoft has officially announced HoloLens 2, kicking off Mobile World Congress (MWC Barcelona). The company’s flagship ‘mixed reality’ headset is making a comeback – packed with AI smarts, processing power, new and improved visuals, and increased ergonomics for a comfier fit. Let’s hope all that tech equates to a more convincing AR experience this time around.

Augmented reality has been at the forefront of Microsoft’s Mixed Reality platform ever since the introduction of the first pre-production HoloLens kit launched in 2016. The first-gen unit’s postage stamp area of effect was rather disappointing at the time, but Microsoft is promising a “greatly increased field of view” with its second gen design.

But there is a caveat. Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 will cost $3,500. If you hadn’t guessed from the price tag alone: this isn’t a consumer device. While the first-gen device was teased with a little Minecraft gameplay, there’s not a game in sight with the second-gen unit. Instead, Microsoft hopes HoloLens 2 will find a home amongst surgeons, designers, engineers, and elsewhere in the enterprise world. Microsoft is seemingly leaving gaming AR to Magic Leap.