Update, February 20 Kayle and Morgana’s new abilities have been announced.

League of Legends’ celestial sisters are both getting reworked – Kayle and Morgana’s new looks were first shown off in a video released earlier this week. A closer look at Morgana’s visual update his now available, and Riot has also revealed a raft of changes to Kayle.

Morgana’s abilities are largely remaining the same, but there’ll be a couple of slight changes. Her Tormented Soil is now likely to have something of an execute effect, dealing more damage to lower-health units. The other change is to her ultimate, which now grants a significant movespeed boost towards enemies, particularly in the mid and late-game.

For Kayle, the changes are much more significant. The Judicator has had almost a complete overhaul, and while there are some concepts that players will recognise, there are also some pretty major changes to Kayle’s passive, her E, and her ultimate ability (although don’t worry, she’ll still be able to help you out of a tight spot if needs be).