Blizzard seems to have quietly slashed Overwatch’s price. Despite an apparent lack of any official announcement, the standard edition of the first-person shooter is now available at half its original price, while the cost of the Legendary edition has dropped by 33%.

Overwatch’s standard edition has been $40 (£30) since launch, while the Legendary edition, which comes with 15 cosmetics, was priced at $60 (£45). At time of writing, however, the standard edition is available on the store for just $20 (£15), and the Legendary edition for $40 (£30). None of the game’s social channels have mentioned the change at this point, and there’s no evidence that this is a temporary sale rather than a permanent price drop.

That seems to put the current prices of retail copies of the game out of kilter with Blizzard’s store. Digital copies of the game can be purchased for all sorts of prices, but physical copies of the game can be purchased on Amazon UK for £40, far more expensive than the current ask.