Intel has announced it has closed the gender pay gap for its employees. In a blog post by Intel’s Julie Ann Overcash, VP of HR, the company claims to have hit a “major milestone in global inclusion – achieving gender pay equity across our worldwide workforce”, the result of Intel’s many years at the forefront of equality and diversity measures.
Over the past few years Intel has been aggressively pursuing full representation and gender equality in its workforce, culminating in achieving the former back in October and the latter this month. That’s not just U.S workforce either, which achieved this goal a few years prior, Intel has announced pay gaps have been rectified within its offices and fabs in all countries it operates within worldwide – that’s 107,000 employees in over 50 locations.
Intel’s pay gap methodology does mean that, while women in equal roles to men are equally rewarded for their efforts, on average across all levels of management, men are still likely to be in more senior positions – and hence receive more handsome salaries on average.