Intel has scooped up another Radeon Technologies Group (RTG) veteran for its push into discrete graphics. The company has once again been exercising its significant clout to rustle together an enviable team of GPU and marketing experts, and its latest hire will score the company another Radeon marketing guru to ensure its Intel Xe launch goes off without a hitch.

Intel has now hired on Heather Lennon as digital marketing manager for its graphics division. Lennon had previously served as manager of global marketing and communication for RTG for over seven years, and was responsible for Radeon social media,, graphics card rebranding, and community management. Social media and community engagement are becoming increasingly important for Intel as it approaches its 2020 release window for Intel Xe, so the move seems like a smart one for all involved.

Intel recently launched Odyssey, a community-focused graphics marketing program promising to keep gamers and content creators up-to-date on the latest happenings from its discrete graphics division. And the company’s latest hire definitely shows intent to further this program’s reach. But Lennon is just one of the many long-standing AMD/Nvidia employees that has received an offer they can’t refuse from Chipzilla.