Intel is disabling the integrated graphics silicon on its upcoming ‘F’ designated processors, yet, despite the dead silicon and nerfed functionality of processors, it looks like Chipzilla is expecting customers to drop the same amount of cash on these hobbled chips as their fully graphics’d up siblings.

Even viewed as a gamer using a discrete graphics card, it’s awfully tough to see Intel taking away functionality without feeling short-changed by the whole ordeal. After all, according to the official pricing list for Intel’s upcoming F series SKUs, Intel is seemingly retaining all the same CPU specs to their graphics-toting counterparts, including the price.

The upcoming 9th Gen processors will retain all the same Coffee Lake functionality as their full-fat counterparts. That means the same 14nm process, TDP, core counts, and base and boost frequencies. With 14nm fab space running short as of late – we’re currently in news limbo as to how Intel’s reliefs efforts are going – these near-identical processors may be a way to use up some of the chips that come off the line a little off.