The upcoming looty, shooty gun-fest from Gearbox Software has been tailored to get the most out of AMD Ryzen CPUs and Radeon GPUs. Publisher 2K says Borderlands 3 was “developed from the ground up with AMD”, which could mean, if all goes to plan, Borderlands 3 will be one of the first AAA games to make the most out of AMD Navi silicon.
Borderlands 3 will be built with Epic’s Unreal Engine 4. The hugely popular game engine was updated to version 4.22 only yesterday, implementing early access support for real-time ray tracing and path tracing utilising Microsoft’s DirectX Raytracing (DXR), making full use of Nvidia’s RTX 20-series. But AMD, too, has been working closely to optimise its tech for the biggest game engine going.
“Developed from the ground up with AMD, Borderlands 3 will take full advantage of the most powerful PC hardware available,” the press release from 2K reads, “and is optimized for top performance and incredible gaming experiences on AMD Radeon graphics cards and Ryzen CPUs.”