Apex Legends datamines have begun, and we’re starting to see what’s in the future for Respawn’s new battle royale. Beyond the L-Star EMG, new legends top the list, and we’ve got a bunch of names for who’s coming – as well as a hint at what some of their abilities will be. One of those abilities appears to be bringing back an original Titanfall feature.

The new Legend names we’ve seen so far are Crypto, Husaria, Jericho, Nomad, Octane, Prophet, Rampart, Rosie, Skunner, and Watson, as reported by ApexLeaksNews on Twitter. Similarly, RealApexLeaks has pulled up an ability called ‘Stim’ for Octane, and one called ‘Tesla Trap’ for Wattson.

Stim was an ability in the first two Titanfall games which gave your pilot a boost in speed, cut down on reload times, and sped up health generation. Given that the character with this ability is named Octane, it’s fair to expect a similar suite of boosts here. Wattson’s Tesla Trap ability, however, has no apparent precedent in the earlier series, but that name obviously suggests some kind of electrified trap.