Upon the start of any grim day, we can count on two great joys to sustain our spirits: videogames and anime. But those great tastes often taste poor together – whether we’re talking about anime turned into games or vice-versa (Dragon Ball FighterZ aside). Thankfully, we’ve finally gotten the perfect blend of both in the form of an anime opening for Apex Legends.

Aiden Phan on Twitter cut together a video largely from the game’s animated launch trailer, put to the track Shin Sekai by Japanese rock outfit Hello Sleepwalkers. It’s perfect – the rhythm of the song and the pacing of the cuts puts it right up there with any big shounen OP, and it’s all the more impressive because there’s so little footage to work with.

The official Apex Legends account retweeted the video with the simple message that “this is amazing.” (Yes, Respawn social media manager. It is indeed amazing.) Phan works as a filmmaker and video editor, so the notable attention this video has drawn is likely a net positive all around.