March 12, 2019 We’ve got a look at ten new Legends set to join Apex Legends.
Apex Legends will add new Legends to the roster. That’s as much as we officially know, but a host of leaks and datamines have given us hints about what form those Legends will take – even if some of those clues are shakier than others. As we await Octane and the season 1 battle pass, we might have gotten a look at the next ten Legends planned for the game.
Shrugtal on Twitter has dug up images which apparently represent all the upcoming heroes in the game files. A lot of that art is clearly unfinished, placeholder stuff, but it all fits in with how the characters are presented on the select screen. Some of these pictures are still just concept drawings, so everything’s subject to change, but for now it looks like a solid preview of what to expect.
Besides Octane, it looks like we’re going to have new Legends named Crypto, Husaria, Jericho, Nomad, Prophet, Rampart, Rosie, Skunner, and Wattson – those names were dug up ages ago by ApexLeaksNews, though any of them are subject to change. On Twitter, frozenfroh has put together an image linking every image to its likely name.