AMD has announced discounts across its 500-series graphics cards ahead of Black Friday. The RX 580 4GB is now £135, and the top-tier RX 590 is now just £150 – entry-level prices for two of the finest 1080p graphics cards of the previous generation. But with price/performance at an all-time high, how will AMD’s RX 5500 series be able to offer anything more?
AMD touts the new offers as “unbeatable value” and we’re inclined to agree. The RX 590 at £150 is a tempting offer for most gamers on ageing cards seeking a healthy fps increase for cheap, and a healthy discount from this card’s initial £260 launch price.
The RX 580 at £135 is a steal, down from its £220 launch price way back when. That’s a touch cheaper than Nvidia’s GTX 1650, with performance above and beyond what the green team’s budget card has to offer. Not only that, but both Polaris cards come bundled with either Borderlands 3 or Ghost Recon Breakpoint, and a three month Xbox Game Pass subscription thanks to the AMD Raise the Game promotion.