A fresh AMD Navi GPU leak is suggesting that the next-generation of team Radeon’s mid-range graphics cards will deliver gaming performance that can outperform the GTX 1080 and do it all for a $259 reference card price. And real-time ray tracing. It will deliver real-time ray tracing for $259 too.

If you were looking for the least plausible source for reliable AMD technical information you could hang out on the less salubrious corners of the tech world, check out the latest Antipodean exclusive sources, or look for random posters on 4chan claiming to be AMD employees. And that’s what we have here… someone presenting themselves as an employee with insider knowledge of the Navi GPU, giving specifications that are just believable enough.

Though those ‘leaked’ specifications could easily have all been cribbed from a half hour of drilling through months of previously rumoured specifications as there’s not really a whole lot actually new in them. The speculative $259 price tag is about what you would expect from a next-gen replacement for the flagship Polaris GPUs, the RX 580 and RX 590, but the promise of real-time ray tracing is maybe more interesting.