The upcoming AMD Matisse CPUs are being name-checked in the latest beta update for benchmarking software, AIDA64. The upcoming AMD processors – AKA 3rd Gen Ryzen, AKA Ryzen 3K, but definitely not also known as Ryzen 3 – are due for a release in the summer, with our best guess at, or around, the massive Computex tech show out in Taiwan.

That’s not the only interesting little tidbit to tumble out of the release notes for the AIDA64 software either, there’s an entry in there about identification of some new DDR4 memory modules. That’s not particularly unusual, but the fact the modules are rated at either 5,700MHz or 5,800MHz is pretty spectacular.

Yes, DDR4 memory actually rated at almost 6,000MHz out of the box. That seems rather far-fetched, but AIDA64 is going to be able to identify them even if we can’t see how the hell they’re going to run at that high a frequency without being submerged in liquid helium for the afternoon. Considering the new world record on HWBot right now is 5,608MHz on a single Kingston HyperX memory module, those are some seriously quick modules.