Intel’s datacentre dominance is under threat as AMD is expected to push Intel below 90% market share in a little under two years. AMD’s x86 renaissance hasn’t been limited to just the desktop client sphere with AMD Ryzen. No, its EPYC server chips are challenging Intel’s dominance in enterprise, too. And market sources expect big things from AMD in this rapidly expanding market.

Now, redistributing the server market by just a tenth doesn’t seem all that grand on the surface, but even that rather minor change is a major statement for AMD’s newfound server performance. The company’s server share had been in decline for years before EPYC came along, and this steady growth could be a precursor to a wider trend in favour of the red team that reignites today’s monolithic market… but I’m getting carried away. Everybody loves an underdog story.

According to mysterious “market sources” speaking to DigiTimes, AMD EPYC will manage to squeeze Intel below the magic 90% server processor market share point by the end of 2020. The company, headed by Dr. Lisa Su, reportedly held just 3.2% of the server market during Q4 2018, and even that was a momentous leap from the 0.8% it is said to have held onto twelve months previous.