Ryzen Mobile processors especially had been on an almost non-existent, OEM-dependent driver update cycle since their release, bereft of the latest Adrenalin 2019 updates and day-0 game drivers. Gamers with HP Envy laptops fitted with AMD APU silicon had been stuck on the same drivers since November, 2017.
Previously AMD had reasoned that, due to the OEM-specific nature of these drivers, it was not feasible for it to release drivers alongside its usual Radeon cadence. It claimed the move could result in “less-than-ideal user experiences.” But AMD is now putting an end to the driver dry spell regardless. From February 25th onward, each and every driver release from AMD will support AMD’s range of discrete Radeon GPUs, Ryzen Mobile APUs, and Ryzen desktop AM4 APUs into a single driver package release.