AMD CEO Lisa Su announced the latest gaming-specific mobile processors, called the HX series. These contain the same Zen 3 cores that we see in the Ryzen 5000 desktop CPUs – some of the best gaming CPUs available right now. The two mobile CPUs showcased are both eight-core, 16-thread designs with a 20MB cache – called the 5900HX and the 5980HX, they each have a maximum single core boost of 4.6GHz and 4.8GHz respectively.
In a comparison to Intel’s mobile i9-10980HK processor, AMD claimed the 5900HX has an average 22.3% improvement over three benchmarks – Cinebench, PassMark, and 3DMark’s Fire Strike benchmark. These mobile chips are also overclockable to get even more performance out of them, though we doubt you’ll see the kind of gains you get on a desktop with those compact mobile cooling solutions.